Innovative entrepreneur & passionate team builder



Giving up was never an option for me. Learn how I made the best of my fate and how I can help you become even more successful with my strategy.

You are interested in my experience and strategy for private or professional reasons? Then contact me now and let's achieve your goals together.

My Values


Willingness to learn is a very important part of my life. I have always continued my education and taken on new challenges. This is how I achieved numerous certificates and degrees, taught myself new skills and learned the knowledge for a new career path. Because there is something new to learn every day.


Watching people develop and grow beyond themselves is something wonderful for me. I am grateful to support people in different life situations in this development. In the same way, I am always ready to develop myself. While working with my own partners, I also learn new things about myself,

and that's


Every morning I have to fight as soon as I get up. I have to fight for individual movements, for my health and for my goals. But then I fight all the more for my successes. I fight for the good things in life. For being a role model for my son, for being financially free, for supporting my family and most of all for showing people a way to a healthy and conscious life and thus improving their quality of life. My friends always tell me I am a fighter with heart.


I want to offer you solutions and show you how to use your potential properly. I am a sponsor who is there for you, who is constantly learning and who was already one of the most successful store owners of a telecommunication chain. What I do, I do full time and that 100%. I am a team player, ambitious and caring. Others run away, but I am always there for you.


My name is Gianfranco D'Aprea. I am a proud father, innovative entrepreneur as well as a passionate team builder.

I worked in the telecommunications sector and worked my way up to become the numero uno in sales, distribution and team leadership. But then my life changed abruptly overnight, as I was diagnosed with MS. Despite my illness, I always gave 100% at my job, yet my employer terminated me. I didn't give up, I did retraining and finally I ended up in a law firm, I gave it my all and still I was fired, again because of my illness, I was devastated.

2009 came my rebirth, I had a bad car accident, survived and sit since then on long distances in a wheelchair. Then, a very good friend approached me and gave me a chance to build my own business and I said to myself: "now I take my destiny into my own hands. "I have built up an international business team and today I live the life I want to live, I am free, I am independent, I decide when and where I work, with whom I work, and how much money I earn, no employer determines my life today. I also have time to volunteer again to help and support people to improve their quality of life.

My story should open people's eyes to make the best of themselves. There is a solution to every problem and you can still strive for success no matter what your situation in life, such as being handicapped.

My vision is to help people so they can build the life they want. 


These cases are perfectly simple and easy to 

Gianni is ready to give 100%. Where others give up, you keep going. Where others lie down, you get up. Where others hesitate, you go all-in. With you as a leader, anyone who really wants to can reach the pinnacle of personal and professional success. 

Peter Picard

Entrepreneur, TV-Coach, Martial Artist

We have known each other for 2.5 years now and I must say that at this moment I really see a great development from you, whether it is personality development or physically, you are a true warrior. A man of the heart, a friend and an example for many people out there!

Manuela Winter

Athlete, entrepreneur

You are a fighter with heart. Fate has given you some tough tasks and you have accepted the challenge. While you tirelessly fight for your further development, you also always think of others and help where you can. With your compassion and humor, sympathies fly right to you and it's fun to work with you.

Stefanie Picard

Naturopath, TV-Coach


What is the best way to make an appointment with you?

The best way to make an appointment with me is to contact me through the contact form. You can also send me an e-mail to or call me at 0174/7763761. Or just use the chat button. 

Which online business is worthwhile?

There are now numerous online business models. However, I personally would not recommend all of them. It is important that on the one hand the business fits you and on the other hand important factors are given such as experts who help you, a protected and recognized distribution system, high chances of success without huge investments, revolutionary products and most importantly growth opportunities without limits.

How do I start an online business from home?

Heutzutage hat glücklicherweise jeder Mensch mit einem Internetzugang die Chance sich von Zuhause aus ein Online Business aufzubauen. Zunächst sollte man für sich selbst das richtige Business Model aussuchen. Am Besten stellst du den Kontakt zu Menschen her, die bereits erfolgreich ein Online Business betreiben. Sie können dir wichtige Infromationen und Tipps geben und dir somit zum bestmöglichsten Start verhelfen.

How can I earn money on the side?

To earn money on the side, you should choose a business that is not location or time dependent. This way you will never have pressure to build up your side income. In addition, it should bring long-term success and that even when you are not working on it. My partners and I use this model successfully. I will gladly advise you on how you can earn money on the side.

I look forward to your message 


0174 / 7763761

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Gianfranco D' Aprea